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Get to know Fauna of Moreton Bay

Sep 7

2 min read




Fauna of Moreton Bay

Moreton Bay is home to a diverse range of fauna, including marine life such as dolphins, dugongs, and turtles. The bay also supports a variety of bird species, including migratory shorebirds and seabirds. In addition, the mangroves and wetlands around Moreton Bay provide important habitats for fish, crabs, and other marine creatures.

  1. Dugongs: Moreton Bay is one of the few places in Australia where the endangered dugong can be found in large numbers. These gentle marine mammals feed primarily on seagrass and are sometimes referred to as "sea cows."

  2. Green Sea Turtles: The bay supports important populations of green sea turtles, who use the area for feeding on seagrass and algae. The turtles are frequently seen around the bay's islands and shallow waters.

  3. Humpback Whales: Every year, humpback whales migrate along the eastern coast of Australia and pass through Moreton Bay between June and October. Whale watching is popular as these majestic creatures can often be seen breaching and tail-slapping.

  4. Dolphins: Moreton Bay is home to both bottlenose dolphins and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins. They can often be spotted frolicking in the bay's waters, especially around Tangalooma on Moreton Island.

  5. Koalas: While often associated with forests, koalas inhabit parts of Moreton Bay's islands, such as North Stradbroke Island, where they live in the eucalyptus forests and woodlands.

  6. Birdlife: Moreton Bay is an important habitat for migratory shorebirds. Species like the Eastern Curlew, which travels from Siberia to Moreton Bay each year, can be seen foraging on the mudflats. The bay also supports large populations of pelicans, ospreys, and various waterfowl.

  7. Sharks and Rays: The bay is home to lemon sharks, whaler sharks, and stingrays. These marine predators help maintain the health of the ecosystem by controlling fish populations.

  8. Flying Foxes: Flying foxes (fruit bats) are common in the forests around Moreton Bay and play an essential role in pollinating native trees and dispersing seeds. You can see them roosting in large colonies in coastal areas.

  9. Eastern Grey Kangaroos: While commonly found inland, eastern grey kangaroos are also found grazing in the coastal grassy areas of Moreton Bay's islands, especially North Stradbroke Island.

  10. Freshwater Fish: Moreton Bay’s estuarine and freshwater environments are home to species like Australian bass and bream, providing an excellent location for recreational fishing.


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